North East Women in STEM (NEWS) Networking Events
31st Jan 2023
Earlier this month was the first NEWS networking session of the year, a sell-out event which was very well received. These events enable women in the North East working in STEM to share knowledge and insight to facilitate collaboration.
Building your network and learning from others with related business interests or like-minded people is valuable, releasing inspiration and unlocking opportunities. For women working in STEM, it creates a sense of empowerment and belonging, encouraging women to enter STEM careers.
Claire Willis, North East STEM Hub’s Team Leader and organiser of these events comments:
“The North East Women in STEM (NEWS) group was set up during the pandemic to create a network of women working in the STEM subjects to support each other through collaborative working. The membership continues to grow with great connections being made at every event.
Our first event this year was the busiest one so far with over 30 women all discussing the programmes they and their organisation are involved with. I am very much looking forward to our next meeting in April and seeing this network of women grow.”
Due to the success of these events, there will be more scheduled throughout the year, with the next two confirmed. If you would like to join this network please email or sign up for our next session which will be taking place at Costain Group on Wednesday 19th April: North East Women in STEM (NEWS) network meeting Tickets, Wed 19 Apr 2023 at 14:30 | Eventbrite
Here are some networking Top Tips to help you network effectively:
Set a goal - Networking boosts self-confidence whilst developing social skills. Before the event set yourself a target of how many people you want to talk to and have valuable conversations with, this way you get the most out of it
Bring your business cards – When you have a valuable conversation with someone, presenting them with your card is a great way for them to follow up with you
Treat networking as a normal conversation - Approach it like you would a normal conversation and you’ll have a far more genuine and beneficial discussion