The Durham Business Productivity & Growth Village at EMCON

17th Sep 2024


The Durham Business Productivity & Growth programme was featured at this year’s EMCON Engineering & Manufacturing Show. Showcasing a village of exhibitors from a range of sectors. These exhibitors, who are either currently part of the programme or have participated in it previously, highlighted cutting-edge innovations and advancements in the field of engineering and manufacturing.

The Durham Business Growth programme aims to empower County Durham businesses by providing long-term investment and strategic assistance and is designed to elevate productivity and foster growth.

Advisors were also on hand to provide expert advice, guidance and details about joining programme, along with insights into the benefits it offers. Attending EMCON was an ideal opportunity to expand your professional network and build valuable industry connections across various sectors including production, training, manufacturing, and engineering.

John Helsop, Business Advisor at Business Durham comments:

“Durham Business Growth is a bold, ambitious programme of support that is laser-focused on supporting business across County Durham. 

“The support on offer is both cutting edge and challenging – elements that ultimately will help those Durham companies to compete, in an ever-increasing challenging marketplace, with additional knowledge, expertise and know-how.  

“Sign-up for the programme is a simple online task – and, once registered, all companies can access a comprehensive business review, productivity improvement, carbon reduction planning, and digital capability enhancement. There is also the possibility of accessing capital and revenue grant support. 

“With over 500 companies already having benefited – I would encourage County Durham business owners & leaders to take advantage of this change-making business programme!”

Andrea McGuigan, Team Manager - Business Engagement and Account Management at Business Durham comments: “EMCON is an excellent event to showcase the success of The Durham Business Growth Programme which offers a comprehensive and integrated support package to businesses across County Durham.  The programme provides tailored advice, funding opportunities and specialist support, empowering local businesses to thrive in our dynamic economy.  This shows Durham County Council’s commitment to fostering innovation, driving sustainable growth, and strengthening the County’s business ecosystem”

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